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As You Get Older It's Hard To Remain In Shape

There plenty of men and women out there who see an older person, and also see that this person is in better shape than you are, although they might be 20 years older. The difference between those folks and you is that most likely they are exercising on a daily basis. Getting and staying fit really has nothing to do with your age, in fact providing you exercise daily you can be in great shape. Staying fit regardless of age comes down to exercise, and on this page will be talking about some of the exercises you need to be doing.

To begin with you should realize right off the bat that your exercising will need to be threefold, this includes stretching, resistance and also aerobics. There are tons of men and women that alternate days performing aerobics, resistance training and stretching, however a good circuit training regimen will give you better results.

Contrary to everyday opinion aerobic exercise is in fact not the best method to lose extra weight, this is simply because most of your weight loss will be done when your body's at rest. After finishing an aerobic exercise the body will only continue to burn calories for a couple of hours. If you want your body to go on burning calories hours after you're done exercising, lifting weights or resistance exercises would be the best choice. A single pound of fat uses up about 4 calories on a daily basis while a single pound of muscle uses up about 50 calories each day. After 30 years of age, an inactive individual will lose about 1 pound of muscle every year. With time this will actually cause you to gain weight because in a matter of 10 years you are no longer burning 450 calories a day, because you lost 10 pounds of muscle.

If you'd like to lose fat and also gain muscle tone, then you have to include exercise into your day and that means including resistance training into your exercise routine. People who include weight training to their workout routines shed around 44% more fat compared to those who do not. Adding resistance training to a regular exercise program will also slow down many of the effects of aging. Researchers have also shown that even folks within their eighties have been able to increase strength with the addition of exercise to their daily routine.

So if you are wondering if you can still be in good shape after Jcpenney Printable Coupons the answer is yes, however you have to recognize that if you'd like to stay in this shape you'll need exercise. Although resistance training is really important for building and maintaining your muscles, you ought to also ensure that you're getting plenty of stretching and aerobic exercises and as well. By adhering to these suggestions you need to be able to get and stay in shape even if you are over Jcpenney Printable Coupons.

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