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Version du 21 avril 2012 à 17:49 par OdleLotz781 (discuter | contributions)
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Affordable Weight-Loss Surgery Options in India

I recently came across the Medical Tourism website MedTravelNews and discovered info on affordable weight loss options in India. And I have made my decision I am seeking affordable weight loss surgery in India especially the services of Girishwari Hospital in Chennai.

Because I've spent a great deal of personal in time India I have made a professional relationship this will let you lot of faith in Dr. Saravanan at Girishwari Hospital in Chennai. Dr. Saravanan is a highly skilled surgeon having performed over 15,000 general surgeries and 12,000 laparoscopic surgeries, the type of bariatric surgery I'm considering because it is less invasive.

What brought me until now is having spent the majority of my adult life being extremely overwieght. Currently more than double my acceptable weight in line with the BMI tables.

In researching the fee for affordable weight loss surgery in India I first started to check out my options at home. And I was surprised to discover our wonderful universal medical care does not cover this action and thus I am will be forced to pay for it from my own pocket which will set me back from $20,000 - $60,000 depending on the surgeon and associated expenses. I possibly could opt for a banding procedure and pay slightly less, though the research I have done and friends I have spoken with whom experienced this procedure all agree I ought to go for the gastric bypass because they feel they wasted their funds on banding and never received the permanent and significant weight-loss they were hoping for.

My understanding has been laparoscopic weight loss surgery, the surgeon makes 5 or 6 small incisions which can be just big enough to give surgical instruments through. Smaller incisions mean less healing time, so that you could leave a healthcare facility in as soon as 2 days or less.

As well as other medical instruments, the incisions are used to insert a special camera. The surgical camera will project the interior of my body onto a screen, after which Dr. Saravanan will use that image to perform the surgery. The particular procedure involves the refashioning from the stomach into a small pouch and bypasses a part of the small intestine. This results in a feeling of fullness having a small meal and in addition reduces absorption and therefore the weight should begin to burn away my obese body. Proven over the years, I believe this be my best and most affordable option for wls.

The procedure is irreversible and so I have to evaluate this risk versus the advantages I will receive both in the form of increased health, decreased health problems along with the restoration of my self-esteem. And apparently I am going to experience rapid weight loss inside the first 3 - 6 months and then gradual weight loss for the next 12 - 1 . 5 years post surgery where I will expect to lose around 75% of my excess weight. Check out this and much more articles on MedTravelNews and join your inquiry about Affordable weight loss surgery in India.

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