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Version du 14 avril 2012 à 23:48 par GammageMendelson998 (discuter | contributions)
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Useful Tips to Get Repeat Visitors to Your Site

One goal you should have as a site owner is to design a website that will make your visitors want to come back regularly. You can use a variety of traffic generation strategies, but you also want to hold onto your visitors and give them reasons to come back. When you're able to attract repeat visitors, this number will increase over time and this can really benefit your business. Below are some practical ways to improve the quality of your website to attract more repeat visitors.

1) The first element you should be aware of when it comes to branding your website is its name. When visitors are impressed with a site, they're likely to talk about it, and you want to make this simple to do. For example, if your website is about "dog training", don't go for a very generic name that people will have a hard time differentiating from your competition. Your site name should stand out in their minds so they won't forget it when they want to return there. If you want people returning to your site and talking about it, they have to be able to remember the name easily. You may not realize how important simple navigation can be to your visitors but is really encourages them to become fully engaged in your site. The reality of it is that none of us want to spend most of our time clicking through links to other pages to get the information we are looking for. You should have a clear site map on your site that not only helps your visitors but at the same time helps the search engines when indexing your site.

Your site needs to be simple and light where design is concerned. Using heavy flash presentations and having blaring music in the background is a strict no-no.

When you have visitors coming to your website, they should be able to view it without any problem. If you really must have flash on your site be sure that you also have a static HTML page for those who don't want to go through your flash intro. Don't make your visitors have to wait for your page to load. Regardless of the fact that internet speeds are higher these days sites that are more lightweight are given greater preference which is important to keep in mind. In conclusion, from the above article we come to understand how easy it is to make a website more useful and appealing. Your target market has to be impressed by your site's design, content, looks, everything if you want them to make it their favorite online destination. While you can profit from new people visiting your site, your long term profits are most helped by a growing number of loyal returning visitors, so you should give people every possible reason to come back.

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