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Using Biomass Power for our Electric Needs

Electricity is a fundamental pillar to any society. Unfortunately, we are in need of fuel to produce electricity. This brings us to the subject of biomass as a new supply of power.

Biomass is a term used to describe natural, biological materials that can be used as fuel to produce energy. Biomass is a broad term that includes many different types of fuels, from garbage to landfill gas to ethanol. The electricity biomass produces may be used to power numerous things from industries to homes, and once properly researched and put into use, biomass will definitely cut down on the world's use of fossil fuels and other harmful sources of energy.

The most common types of biomass can be grouped into one of three categories. Wood (and related) products are such things as lawn clippings, wood chips, leftover wood scraps from lumber production, dead trees and leaves. Garbage products and services are items within garbage that folks generate which you can use to burn as fuel, or landfill gases, which are produced when garbage rots (methane). Ethanol and biodiesel are both fossil fuel replacements produced from either corn or other crops (ethanol) or vegetable oil and animal fat (biodiesel). All of these may result in biomass fuel to produce electricity.

The landfill gas, also called biogas or methane, is frequently collected by landfill owners or farmers to be used as fuel. The burning of this fuel can either power a generator for electricity or be utilized to heat property. The vegetation or wood related products can be pressed in to pellets, and then used as fuel for heat and electricity generation. Ethanol and biodiesel are of much more fascination with the planet climate today, as they are both used to power cars as well as other vehicles. Ethanol and biodiesel are much cleaner burning than fossil fuels, and less costly to make since they originate from waste that is no problem finding in our modern world. Both forms of fuel are also biodegradable, making them safer for the environment. While neither fuel can be used in all forms of cars at present, car manufacturers work to make more vehicles that will run on these alternative fuels. Any of these approaches can be used as electricity biomass platforms.

gasification of biomass cons of biomass

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