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I have a few friends who are writers, too - of varying degrees of success. I have plied them for secrets, recommendations, advice - and even when they wanted to give me advice, none of it was ever very helpful.

I have spent a lot of time on my computer, late a night, staring at a blank word document - or possibly I've got one or two great opening lines. That's frequently as far as I could get... MyNovel 4. 0 trumps old dirty typewriters, hands downSo I started turning to the web for advice - as our generation is wont to do. And I stumbled onto this MyNovel software, and figured I'd try it out - hey, there's a trial available, what's to lose? (It's in the upper right hand corner).

I tried it out for a couple days and before I knew it I had already gotten farther along in a piece of writing than ever before. MyNovel 4. 0 software offers tools like topic questionnaires, analysis tools, corkboard features, timelines and diagrams, and more. It has all sorts of things to help spur you on, also it is really the kick in the pants that i have needed in my writing.

I needed to write this MyNovel 4.0, not necessarily cause I'm sure this is the smartest thing ever created for this kind of purpose, but alternatively because I know that there are Lots of people on the market like me - wannabe writers who enjoy the craft but lack the focus - who could really take advantage of something similar to this. I understand Squidoo is overflowing with fledgling (and accomplished) writers of all sorts!

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