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Version du 22 mars 2012 à 06:38 par SelenaBolinger587 (discuter | contributions)
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It's become highly popular to host a house gold party. You've probably seen some reports on the TELEVISION news about people hosting gold parties. While trading Sell Gold Irvine CA is not actually anything new, because pawn shops have already been doing it for decades, what's new is the manner in which these parties generate so much excitement for the participants.

Gold parties are showing up every where, and will be related to current economic times. This makes a lot of sense. Many people have gold jewelry they do not wear just sitting around in a jewelry box. And, because gold is a commodity that never really loses value, it may always be melted down and converted to new gold items.

Instead of planning to a pawn shop and standing at a counter whilst the buyer checks out your jewelry, attending a gold party is more fun, and can make someone a significant sum of money, depending on the current marketplace value and quality of the gold.

Therefore , what goes on at these gold parties?

Typically, the host sends out invitations to friends to attend Cash For Gold Irvine CA party after contacting a local jeweler, or pawn shop owner, who buys scrap gold. The host makes all the arrangements for the guests and jewelry buyer to meet at a specific location. On the day of the party, refreshments are served as each person eagerly awaits their turn to sit down and have their jewelry inspected by way of a professional.

Additionally, there is the option of buying a gold party kit and learning how to inspect the jewelry your self. This really is o.k., as long as you follow proper procedures and give accurate quotes as to the value of each piece of jewelry.

After their jewelry has been appraised, the individual is told just how much that they'll make and given an offer. They could either accept or refuse in those days. The typical attendee will make between $200 to $600 from their old jewelry. When they accept the cost, chances are they are paid right on the spot, either in cash or by check. I always believe giving people a wad of cold, income is definitely more exciting than the usual simple check always.

The host of the party can usually make a 10% commission on most of the money collected by the gold buyer. Plus, the host can sell their own jewelry and pocket a lot more. Hosting a home jewelry party Gold Buyers Irvine CA (or attending one) is truly a fun means for one to make some quick supplemental income.

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