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Version du 1 avril 2012 à 17:22 par SeabrookWile651 (discuter | contributions)
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When people start to create a Fitness Business they just want to get personal training clients... nothing fancy. Just clients... ones that pay preferably so specialising in a particular area doesn't cross their minds marketing systems for personal trainers.

Should you choose every other read up on marketing (which I would recommend you do) you'll hear that you HAVE to specialise and "If you attempt to appeal to everyone else, you'll appeal to no one" these kinds of sayings have truth but are not very helpful for your requirements when you're starting out so I'll attempt to expand on them to provide it more meaning in your marketing

Whenever you generalise (try to interest everyone) you:

Have no real focus in your personal trainer marketing programs, your materials are a little woolly and don't address a particular program that your potential clientele has

You will not know where to start with your marketing yourself as a personal trainer in the event that you help anyone who wants to tone up and lose weight, where do you go? But in the event that you help bodybuilders with their 16 week contest preparation, or office workers with back pain, or first time half marathon runners making use of their 12 week training, or new mums with weight reduction. You'll find out where they congregate online and offline, write your marketing based on them and make it specialist

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