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Version du 7 avril 2012 à 10:06 par ChandlerMetzger660 (discuter | contributions)
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atonement is a fantastic video directed with the renowned movie director Joe Wright. It is basically an intimate film packed with high attention drama. The storyline of the film is founded on the favorite novel compiled by the popular publisher McEwan. Anybody can not come across many movies according to this type of theme which became hit in the initial weeks with the let go. abductions star cast with the movie contain John McAvoy, Kiera Knightly and also Julia To the west.

resurrection happens to be very popular among the list of viewers in various age groups. This can be a pressing film that shows the story of love and disbelief between two fans. The story plot follows a 13 yr old girl who also falls in love using Robbie, the lead actor inside dvd. The girl named Cecilia adores Robbie and therefore her related Briony is green with envy of this matter. Robbie is definitely sentenced for 5 years because he was accused of being a love-making maniac. Down the line Briony acknowledges her mistakes and apologizes to the two her sister as well as her lover. However , they don't reunite because the distinctions occurred between them in the meanwhile. Consequently, the movie ends on the sad notice and gives the crowd a great deal to assume.

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