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Version du 14 avril 2012 à 09:08 par TapiaClaar528 (discuter | contributions)
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It doesn't matter if you should be thin or fat, if you are a middle aged man or a woman who has not been able to lose the pregnancy fat BMI, one thing remains the same. There is certainly just an excessive amount of fat on the belly. Too much fat in the belly area could cause some pretty serious health conditions. You might find yourself with high blood pressure, kinds of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, sleeping better problems like sleep apnea, high sugar/diabetes, high risk for stroke, and in some cases even death. Once you eat more than you exercise you then is going to be confronted with belly fat.

Do you know where body fat comes from?

There are various reasons you could fall prey to belly fat. When you yourself have a slow metabolism, tend to keep on eating when you are full, experience an excessive amount of stress, have frequent or chronic digestion dilemmas, frequent bloating, or perhaps that your food habits are bad. Whenever you eat even more than you exercise, the fat has no choice but to get on your own belly. For better digestion of food you need to drink water on regular basis.

Yoga helps in reducing belly fat

You will need to learn how to eat precisely while exercising frequently and applying yoga. By doing yoga together with your daily exercises your belly fat will begin melting off along with any fat that could be around your Basal Metabolic Rate.

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