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helmets is a protective head gear worn by motorcycle riders. Motorcycle safety is the primary goal of the helmet. The helmet will help protect, prevent or reduce a head injury that may save yourself the riders life. Many helmets provide additional conveniences such as for example face shield, ear protection and ventilation You can find two component which can be protective: a thin, hard, outer shell made from polycarbonate plastic, fiberglass or Kevlar and a thick, soft inner liner made from polystyrene or polypropylene EPS foam. The purpose of the outer shell is to prevent the head from being punctured with a pointed object which could hit the helmet. It's also to provide structure to the inner liner therefore it doesn't disintegrate upon abrasive contact with pavement.. There are numerous basic kinds of helmets; Motocross, Modular and Half dirt bike helmets to name a couple of.

Motocross Helmet has visor portions and a extended chin. The visor on The Motocross helmet allows the rider to dip his head providing further protection flying debris throughout off road riding. It will block sunlight all through jumps. The partial open face on the Motocross Helmet provides rider extra protection with goggles and allows air to flow under during the physical action of riding.

Modular helmets, also know and atv helmets or convertible is just a hybrid between full face and open face for street use. The chin bar of the Modular helmet has a chin bar pivoted with a special lever to allow access to a lot of the face, as in an open face helmet. Most modular helmets were created to be worn in the close position when riding, however some modular helmets are dual certified as full face and open face helmet. Anybody wearing the Modular Helmet will find it convenient to eat, drink or have a conversation without removing the helmet or unfastening the chinstrap, making them popular among many riders.

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