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Three Techniques to Help Make Your Site Sticky and Increase Repeat Visitors.

Highly targeted traffic is imperative to the survival of a website as most webmasters and internet marketers realize. If you aren't able to get visitors to your site, something's not right about your marketing strategy or your website just isn't good enough to have people coming back. If you want repeat visitors you need to make your site worthwhile in the eyes of the visitor, i.e.: "Sticky" to keep them coming back because of the appeal. In the following article we shall be looking into three effective tips that will help you make your website more valuable.

We all know how important good content is for our sites, and that is one of the keys to getting repeat visitors. There are many top blogs that thrive on targeted content, which is the only reason why people keep returning back. Really good content is intelligently written with valuable information in it. You can take 30 minutes a day and write a good article and post it on your website. One good idea is to run a poll and ask your visitors if they want any specific kinds of topics to be written about. Once you have this important data with you, you can then carve your content according to it. 2) If you're using graphics then make sure that the graphics are high resolution. This is absolutely essential if you're displaying images of products that you're promoting on your site. Low quality graphics are actually worse than none at all, as there's no faster way to make people think badly about your site. It makes people label your entire site low quality, which is something you obviously want to avoid. There are many great web designers who can do this for you if you need help. Having a well designed site is one of the most important elements in getting visitors to return, so this isn't an area where you should compromise.

Your site needs to be simple and light where design is concerned. Don't make the mistake of using heavy flash presentations and loud background music.

Your visitors want your site to be simple and problem free. Make your flash intro optional so they don't have to wade through it if they don't want to. The best thing you can do here is make sure your visitors aren't waiting for your page to load. Even though nowadays you have high internet speeds, sites that are lightweight are given more preference, so keep this mind. From this information it's easy to see the importance of getting repeat visitors to your site even though it may take some effort. Repeat visitors won't happen if you aren't providing real value on your site.

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