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Massage has been practiced for thousands of years dating back to to the ancient Greece. In fact , the word "massage" is Greek in origin meaning "to touch". Today, it's perhaps one of the most popular spa services and therapy offering stroking of the skin or kneading and manipulation of the muscles or applying pressure on some body parts. Asian massage therapy are techniques that originated and developed in India and the China. Through the course of centuries, this therapy which will be an ancient healing ritual try to work with the body's energetic system for the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health.

Several kinds of Asian therapy are still being utilized today including the Thai, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic, acupressure and Amma to name several. Thai massage is just a hot "new" method made available from modern spas. However it actually started in India and was created by Buddhist monks in Thailand 2, 500 holistic wellness years ago. Thai massage uses guided stretching and Meridian pressure point therapy in conjunction with the "Pranayama" which is a historical breathing method holistic click here.

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