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I encountered a new type of Mobile Snatcher and Grabber that can be very damaging to your business. Remember, the Snatcher and Grabber is somebody who wants something at no cost or nearly free. This past week I had a business owner request a quote on training three people at their business. I agreed to use the three employees only charging what I typically charge for larger group coaching sessions because she was a referral. I was actually somewhat mad at myself for quoting the low price. The individual came ultimately back with a counter offer attempting to then pay just to own anyone trained. Ding Ding Ding. I saw just what this person was going to do. She was going snatch and Cellphone Number Snatcher. She wanted to learn my business secrets and then train her two employees hence saving herself money.

I countered her offer by educating her on the price of my one on one coaching fee and explaining the fee quoted was for group coaching. I also explained that when she wanted to use my materials to train her employees she'd need to pay the licensing fee rate for my intellectual property Mobilesnatcher.com.

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